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Creating a beautiful open space fitting for the all people; community and Church.

For too long the grounds of St Philips have been a mess. Rather than being an oasis of beauty and a sanctuary from everyday life, our gardens have become a haven for litter, drink and drug abuse, and anti-social behaviour. We think that we all deserve better! We want to change that, but we need the local community to help us. We want to create a beautiful open space, that is fitting for the people of Tottenham, not just those who come and use the Church, but for everyone. A space we can all be proud of and enjoy. A space that will beautify the local area for everyone. Working with out architects, Freehaus Design, we have created an concept sketch of what our gardens may look like. You can see the image below, but we need your help to make this a reality. We need to raise a total of £150,000. Many grant making bodies have shown an interest but they want to see a commitment from the local community before committing to help us, so we are asking you, the local community, to help us raise £50k so that we can create a wonderful open space for all of us.  

There are so many benefits for you and the local community. Here are just a few:

  • Safer streets with less anti social behaviour

  • Better quality of life including physical (cleaner air) and mental (better surroundings)

  • Increase in property value

There are many things you can do to support us but chiefly we are asking you to consider donating to this project. You can find our how to do this below. We are also asking you to share this page to your friends and family so that they too can support us. 

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