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No matter your background or circumstances in life, you are welcome here.

Welcome to the Church of St Philip the Apostle, South Tottenham. We are a lively, growing church in the Traditionalist Catholic wing of the Church of England, located between Seven Sisters and Turnpike Lane Tube Stations.

Over 10,000 residents strong, our parish serves the area of South Tottenham which includes West Green and Broadwater Farm. Our vision is to love God and to bring God's love to all the people of South Tottenham. We want everyone to know that they are known and loved by God! 

No matter what your faith, whatever faith tradition you might participate in, whatever your past might be, you are invited to worship with us at St Philips. All are welcome at our services, or just to pop in and light a candle and say a prayer in our beautiful building. Our church is open to ALL, irrespective of religion or denomination.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Our Vision

Perhaps the best way to explain our vision is to explain why we exist: and that is to bring the love of Jesus Christ to the people of South Tottenham. Our vision is as simple, and yet as challenging as that! Everything we do is because we believe that God knows us personally and loves us beyond all telling. No matter who we are or what we have done, or whether we have this nagging feeling deep down that we are simply not good enough, God loves us and wants us to live life to the fullest, which ultimately is a to live our lives in Christ, or to put it more simply, we live a life that is not dictated by human urges and fleeting desires but rather we live a life which is Christ-like, and as close to the perfect human being that God created each one of us to be.

Here at St Philip's, we express this vision primarily by focusing on the value of the person. You mean everything to God and therefore you deserve to have the very best we can offer. This is what we mean when we pray "thy kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven." We do this by offering a place of beauty, which is itself a glimpse of heaven. Our Church building, and our worship is the very best that we can offer. We may not be a major cathedral dripping in gold, but our offering is beautiful and best. Likewise whether you are a Christian or not we offer this space for you all; as a place of beauty and rest and as a place where we hope and pray that you may feel God's presence in your life thought Jesus Christ our Lord.   

Our Values

At St Philip's we are a Church that is bold and courageous in proclaiming the faith, because we are bonded to Christ Jesus and his Church.

Our Team

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Fr Lee Clark

Parish Priest

Anne Perryman-McDonald


Johanna Ryan


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Michael Clarke

PCC Member


James Taylor

PCC Member & Lay Vice-Chair


Philip Mensah

PCC Member


Dawn DeKock

PCC Member

Eileen Clark

PCC Treasurer


Nina Barnsley

PCC Member


Lyn Phillips

PCC Member

Garnet Prah-Arthur

PCC Member

Our Governance

The structure, governance and management of the parish is determined by the rules of the Church of England; the Church Representation Rules 2017. This sets out the membership of the PCC, which consists of the Priest-in-Charge, together with the two churchwardens (elected at the Annual Meeting of Parishioners) and members of the laity elected to serve on the Deanery Synod or Parochial Church Council (both of which are elected by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting).

Governance of the parish is provided by the Priest-in-Charge, Churchwardens and PCC, whilst day-to-day management is the responsibility of the Parish Priest, Churchwardens and Officers of the Parochial Church Council. Whether ex-officio or elected, together, all PCC members are responsible for making decisions on all
matters of general concern and importance to the parish, including deciding on how the funds of the PCC are to be spent. New members receive initial training into the workings of the PCC.

The 2023 Annual Report and Accounts can be found by clicking on the following link:

Our Partners


The Society under the patronage of Saint Wilfrid and Saint Hilda



The Gregory Centre for Church Multiplication


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The Office of the Bishop of Fulham


The Diocese of London

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